And the reason why you continue reading this is because you don't give a **** about my reason.
Okay, the story goes like this...
I'm not much of a birthday person. Heck, the last thing i could care about is a birthday, um... my own birthday.
When i was younger, i had some birthday celebrations. You know, the parties with balloons and cakes, and gifts with food and handshakes. That kind. Well, honestly, i didn't like them, in fact i was wondering what my parents were thinking at that time. I mean, they had the parties for me when i was a kid. Then when i was in my teenage, they gave me money when i wanted to "celebrate" my birthday with my friends, as in eating out. Hey, what a lucky kid i was, eh?!
Years came by, i passed my teenage, "arrived" in my early twenties, then to my mid twenties. Yes, i'm in my mid twenties and i feel so old. Ok, some of you might shout, "If you're old, what do you call me (anyone older who happens to read this post)? Ancient?"
Well, the feeling is not because i am literally that old. It's just because i thought i could've done more, made more, had more than whatever i've done, made and had so far. And yes, it's not that i'm not grateful. It's a moment when i realized that i let myself down because of my own expectation. I mean, who am i racing with? I don't even know why i'm like this. So, i made up my mind. I'm gonna write something that makes me feel mmm... slightly better, at least.
When my birthday came this Friday, i tried to reply the text messages, i responded to all wall posts and private messages in facebook. Yes, some of the people are friends of friends, and even random people who are friended via facebook. My point is, i'm not excited about birthday, so why bother thanking? Why did i care enough to do such a "nice" thing?
You know what, i think the wishes and prayers from the people did me GOOD. Well, getting older is not something bad. It's something natural. Ah! I know, you probably say, "Yeah, where have you been, girl?" And um, yes, i've been here and there, dreaming my dream. Or so i thought.
I'm a dreamer but i know i'm not the only one. So, don't blame me for having big dreams that i thought would've come true by the time i reached my mid twenties. Kay, enough said. I need to "make" myself feel comfortable with what i am, how i am, and of course who i am.
So, i decided to write about people, especially the 1984-borns. The famous, the rich, the A-list! Or yet, the forgotten?!
1. Adam Lamberg

2. Avril Lavigne
Actually, i think this little princess is freakishly annoying!!! I mean, i thought she thinks like, "Hey world, you know, i'm Avril. THE AVRIL!!!" Hehehehe... Even so, i like her music. She really is talented. It's just her behaviour that gets on my nerve. I'm not a hater, no.
3. Fernando Torres
Frankly speaking, i don't know this guy until i saw his pic on billboard, and um, in the ad during the World Cup season. The only Torres i know is Dr. Callie Torres, an ortho surgeon from Grey's Anatomy series. LOL! Why is he here? Simply because he's a successful footballer (gosh! i'm such a gold-digger!!!)
4. Gareth Gates
I wonder where he is now? Somewhere in England, i presume. Hahahaha... This guy is a runner-up of the first Pop Idol. Losing to Will Young rose him to fame in Asia. Seriously, who knows Will Young? (And sorry, who is Gareth Gates again?)
Okay, Gareth, maybe we don't know you, but you had your time in 2003. Your song was on every radios (except on those that play dangdut) and most TVs played your video. Do you still remember the lyrics: It can happen to...anyone of us?
5. Jackson Rathbone
I'm not into Sparkles (Do you know who i mean by this?), ok?! So, i put Jay here because he's 1984-born. And i'm still amazed by his acting in one of the episodes of Criminal Minds, in which he played the MPD serial killer. It took me an hour to realize that he is the same actor who plays Sparkles' brother. Duh!!!!
6. Katharine McPhee
Who's that pretty lady??? Meet Miss McPhee, the runner-up of American Idol season 5. Though i'm not a fan of her music, i think she's the prettiest American Idol contestant! (Eh?! What does the mean woman mean?!)
7. Katy Perry
Ever since her "Hot N Cold", i decided to keep an eye on this girl. I mean, i think it's kinda late to "rise" at her age, especially at that time, Lady Gaga also came to fame. But, she managed to stay in the business, no? Way to go, Perry!!!
8. Kelly Osbourne
She was kinda a troubled child, considering the parents. I used to pay atterntion on the Osbournes when they were aired on MTV Asia. She was kinda psychotic, even to me... But then, look at her now. Looking decent and (almost) aristocratic!!! Whoa!!!
9. Kevin Zegers
Who watched Air Bud??????? Well, this is the kid. Yes, this Canadian actor rose to fame in the late of mid 1990s (meaning?!) from the so-called phenomenal movie Air Bud. Ohhh how i love the golden retriever!!! (HEH?!)
Anyone knows where he is now???
10. Lucas Grabeel
WTF??? I put one of the HSM cast??? Well, he was born in the same year as i was. And um, he's famous, at least for those kids, he is like an idol. Hahaha, that before Justin Bieber epidemic spread... Yes, i don't know anything about this guy. And i don't care. He should be just thankful because i put him in my list. (The ultimate mean remarks!!!)
11. Mark Zuckerberg
This multi-billion businessman is colorblind! Yes, that's why facebook is blue!!! You know where i knew about this? Twitter!!!
12. Prince Harry Windsor
Because Prince William is taken, and is getting bald, and his fiance is so annoying and i'm envious cause i'm not marrying a prince, so Prince Harry is here for me. Duh!!!!
13. Scarlett Johannson
ScarJo is alright. I mean she act quite well. She's not THAT beautiful but she's okay. And yes, she's very curvy... Hohohoho...
14. Shayne Ward
This guy probably made you raise an eyebrow, or two... Well, he's not THAT popular here in Asia, ok, correction, IN Indonesia. Well, as an X Factor winner, this British Guy "came" to my life in the beginning of 2008, when i heard his songs from his SECOND album. See, he's not that popular.
15. Wesley Snipe, oops, Sneijder
Okay, i don't watch football like i used to. Na-ah, i don't know this guy just like i don't know Torres. Well, Both Sneijder and Torres' countries made it to the final World Cup, right? (Try to figure out the connection...)
Okay, that's the wrap. I kindly ask for apologies if i may have sounded mean and sour as always. Thanks for reading... Hehehehe
Hit me back, just to check
Surely yours,
PS: Meet me in Spooky Eyes... ROTFL
Hi megarotk, thanks for putting me in your link site. Yoroshiku onegaishimasu!!!
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ReplyDeleteseriusss??? baru tauuuu....
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