Halo semua!!
~~~Jumpa lagi...~~~ jumpa Maisy di sini!!! (Ketauan anak jadul...)
Kali ini gw pengen nulis dengan bahasa sehari-hari. Boleh dooonnggg... hehehehehe
Dari mana mulainya ya? Kayaknya harus dari awal... (aduh, logaringbangetseh #edisiababil)
Sesuai dengan judul, gw mau nulis tentang pandangan gw di tahun 2010. Jujur aja, tahun ini seperti tahun-tahun sebelumnya, selalu penuh dengan kejutan. Syukurlah, gw termasuk orang yang beruntung, kehidupan gw nggak ngebosenin, selalu seru dan asyik-asyik aja, yah kayak gw lah... (sorakin, timpukin!!!!)
Pada awal tahun, gw ahem-ahem pertama kalinya berhasil mewarnai rambut!!! *tepok tangan* Aje gile tu rambut nggak pernah berhasil gw warnain. Gw juga nggak ngerti apa masalahnya. Jangan-jangan gw nyakitin perasaan si rambut, jadi dia cuek abis ama gw, hadeeeehhh kelamaan basa-basinya. Awalnya, gw pengen banget rambut gw merah macemnya Allison Iraheta. So, ekspektasi gw adalah warnanya kayak gambar si Allison di sebelah ini donnnggg... Well, emang dasar kalo KW nggak bisa diboongin. Alhasil rambut gw merah cuy, untuk beberapa bulan. Itu juga berkali2 ngewarnain pake Sasha hehehehe... (kesiandelo...) Dan waktu si warna luntur, kira-kira gini dah warna rambut gw... sebelas dua belas ama geng ALAY. Btw, gambar-gambar gw pergunakan untuk sebesar-besar keinginan gw. Ada unsur lebay di sini, jangan dianggap serius yeeee...
Nah, berhubung warna rambut gw memudar, gw dengan ide-ide super kreatif gw, punya niatan ngewarnain rambut lagi. Maksudnya sih supaya less alay, tapi apa boleh buat, malah jadi tambah parah. Tau Belanda??? Oranye gitu kan??? Nah itulah rambut gw... hehehehe... Emak gw dengan puas ngatain gw Belanda-Bangka. Weeeehhh dasar emak gw, satu-satunya emak yang demen banget ngatain anaknya.
Berhubung gw gerah diledekin emak gw terus-terusan, akhirnya gw dengan berbesar hati bertekad kembali ke warna asli. Tapi karena nggak mau ngewarnain item, gw pake aja blue-black. Dan you know what, hasilnya jadi brunette lohhh... Hehehehehe. Oh ya, bagi yang merasa kesal kenapa dari tadi ngomongin rambut mulu, ya itu karena memang tahun 2010 merupakan tahun perubahan bagi gw ya... soal rambut itu.
Terus, masih di awal tahun, gw ngerasain yang namanya keriting bulu mata. Silahkan tertawa bagi siapa pun yang tau kalo gw paling bete ke salon. Jujur aja, gw ngantuk bawaannya kalo ke salon. Lu gile gw disuruh duduk ngedeprok sementara nggak ada yang bisa gw kerjain, kayak dihukum rasanya bagi gw. Eh, eh, lanjutin dong ceritanya kenapa sampe keriting bulu mata segala??? (berasa diminta fans...) Waktu itu gw diminta jadi MC championship di UKI, berhubung gw nggak jago dandan dan ribeddddd banget urusannya buat siap-siap di pagi hari, Tia, temen eS-eM-A gw yang waktu itu gw pinjem "peralatan perang"-nya, nyaranin gw buat ke salon untuk keriting bulu mata. Idenya bagus, mengingat gw rempong kalo pake maskara, gw pun melakukan hai itu. Nah, kalo gw males ke salon buat potong rambut lantaran bete duduk serasa dihukum, lo bisa bayangin gw disuruh tiduran, mata dilem, lo "terpaksa" mencium bau-bauan kimia selama lebih dari satu jam. Belom lagi si mbak (yang berusaha mengerjakan tugas terbaiknya) narik-narik bulu mata lo. Untungnya refleks gw nggak gw aktifin, kalo nggak si Mbak pasti benjol. Hasilnya gimana? Bagus lahhh... hehehehe...
Kejutan selanjutnya adalah gw kudu ngajar tarat tarat tatah....... BAHASA INDONESIA!!!!
Ya ampun cuma Bahasa Indonesia emang kenapa???? Loh, kan bahasa Indonesia gw ajaib. Makanya kalo lo perhatian ama post-post gw (douuuhhh ge-er) post berbahasa Indonesia gw jaga banget kan.... (iya aja deh, dari pada benjol) Nah, meskipun bahasa Indonesia gw sebenernya nggak separah atau seancur itu, tetep aje susah cuy. Lo kudu ati-ati, soal ejaan, tata bahasa, de-el-el deh. Apalagi bahasa Indonesia gw terpengaruh ama bahasa lain. Cieeee ama bahasa Inggris??? Sombong banget... Bukan lah, sama bahasa Bekasi... setdeh... apa bae?!
Hal penting yang terjadi tahun ini adalah betapa twitter menjadi bagian hidup gw. Lha??? Penting!!!! Bwehehehehe, itu karena waktu pertama kali gw bikin twitter di bulan Pebruari 2009 (udah lama kan?!), gw sama sekali nggak ngerti harus ngapain. ada juga gw tereak-tereak doang. Hooooiii, ada orang si sini? Baik yang pake bahasa Indonesia atau pun yang bahasa Inggris. Kadang gw tulis betapa nggak asiknya si situs berlogo burung itu. Betapa ribetnya penggunaan twitter. kudu RT dulu, atau kalo reply nggak ada hubungannya ama yang dibahas. Lah, kalo orangnya lupa gimane, mpok? Dulu, temen gw, Mbak Indri, pernah nyapa lewat tweet. Tau nggak, kapan gw balesnya, yah, sekitar seminggu. Hehehehe... Trus gw juga menghina-dina jejaring sosial ini. Gilelujek, kagak ada tanda like-nya. Kan susah kayaknya mau berekspresi. (Deeeeuuuhh apabangetsih #edisiababil) Tapi, setelah tau, ada banyak hal yang nggak bisa gw "pajang" di facebook, twitter jadi tempat sampah pribadi gw. Maaf ya, followers kalian harus membaca sampah gw. Nah, untungnya twitter, karena updatenya cepat, kadang-kadang sampah gw yang nggak penting bisa aja kelewat, ga dibaca orang. Hehehehe, at least mereka sibuk liat timeline-nya selebriti. Hihihihihi... Dan salahsatu yang gw suka dari manfaat twitter adalah, kita bisa tau berita dunia secara up-to-date. Terutama yang males baca koran. Yah, gw lah contohnya.
Soal dunia internet, gw juga baru launching (jiiiaaahhh gaya!) blog isi sampah ini di tahun ini. Awalnya gw bingung, cara bikinnya, cara publikasiinnya. Trus gw juga bingung apa gw bakal aktif nge-blog. Apa isi blog gw bikin orang terinspirasi, atau malah naik darah. Atau malah kesian ama gw, sesat dan aneh. But, i just created it. Based on the rule: It's a blog, full of me. Semuanya tentang gw, pendapatnya gw, nggak penting. Dan gw seneng aja, udah ada 48 negara yang mengunjungi blog gw. Di antaranya pasti orang-orang nyasar, atau ada juga yang memang nyari blog bener. Eh, ada loh blog berjudul Lou's Circle lainnya. Hehehe, tapi beda link. Link gw sebenernya lou-in-circle, nah mungkin karena blog gw jampi-jampinya keren, ada aja yang masuk ke sini. Hihihihi... Kadang-kadang juga beberapa orang bertanya pada Mbah Gugel tentang orang-orang yang kebetulan fotonya gw pasang di blog ini. Jadi deh, mampir... bolekakabajunyaadaukurannya #edisiitc
Kisah terakhir dari post gw kali ini adalah perpisahan. Lho??? Maksudmu apa, Armando??? #edisitelenovela
Mulai tahun 2011 nanti (ya iyalah nanti, masa sekarang??) gw dan keluarga gw harus meninggalkan rumah di mana kami tinggal selama 21 tahun. Hiks hiks...
Lo liat rumah di sebelah kanan foto?? Itu rumah sepupu gw. Kami akan tinggal sementara di sana. Emak gw udah nyuruh tukang untuk bangun semacam paviliun di sana. Rumah kami sudah laku dibeli orang. (Adoohh, tentunya dibeli orang... masa dibeli yang lain...) Rumah kami menyimpan banyak sekali kenangan yang kalo diceritain bisa ngalahin Cinta Fitri season 10. Nantinya emak gw bakalan (kayaknya) betah tinggal di paviliun rumah sepupu gw. Dan sepertinya tahun 2011, gw bakal tinggal di rumah baru (padahal belum diapa-apain) sendiri. Emak gw udah ngumumin kalo doi pengen "ngusir" gw. Katanya sih biar gw mandiri, gitu dehhh... Tapi emak gw emang nggak khawatir ya, anaknya yang imut ini digodain?! Huhhuuhhuuu~~~~~
Begitulah kira-kira kisah perjalanan gw di tahun 2010 ini. Makasih udah meluangkan waktu untuk baca. Periksa kembali barang bawaan anda. Sampai jumpa di lain kesempatan.
Salam 2011,
Sunday, December 26, 2010
Sunday, December 12, 2010
Famous 1984-borns: A Dedication, Reminder and um... Whatever!
The only reason why i'm writing this is because i didn't expect the unexpected.
And the reason why you continue reading this is because you don't give a **** about my reason.
Okay, the story goes like this...
I'm not much of a birthday person. Heck, the last thing i could care about is a birthday, um... my own birthday.
When i was younger, i had some birthday celebrations. You know, the parties with balloons and cakes, and gifts with food and handshakes. That kind. Well, honestly, i didn't like them, in fact i was wondering what my parents were thinking at that time. I mean, they had the parties for me when i was a kid. Then when i was in my teenage, they gave me money when i wanted to "celebrate" my birthday with my friends, as in eating out. Hey, what a lucky kid i was, eh?!
Years came by, i passed my teenage, "arrived" in my early twenties, then to my mid twenties. Yes, i'm in my mid twenties and i feel so old. Ok, some of you might shout, "If you're old, what do you call me (anyone older who happens to read this post)? Ancient?"
Well, the feeling is not because i am literally that old. It's just because i thought i could've done more, made more, had more than whatever i've done, made and had so far. And yes, it's not that i'm not grateful. It's a moment when i realized that i let myself down because of my own expectation. I mean, who am i racing with? I don't even know why i'm like this. So, i made up my mind. I'm gonna write something that makes me feel mmm... slightly better, at least.
When my birthday came this Friday, i tried to reply the text messages, i responded to all wall posts and private messages in facebook. Yes, some of the people are friends of friends, and even random people who are friended via facebook. My point is, i'm not excited about birthday, so why bother thanking? Why did i care enough to do such a "nice" thing?
You know what, i think the wishes and prayers from the people did me GOOD. Well, getting older is not something bad. It's something natural. Ah! I know, you probably say, "Yeah, where have you been, girl?" And um, yes, i've been here and there, dreaming my dream. Or so i thought.
I'm a dreamer but i know i'm not the only one. So, don't blame me for having big dreams that i thought would've come true by the time i reached my mid twenties. Kay, enough said. I need to "make" myself feel comfortable with what i am, how i am, and of course who i am.
So, i decided to write about people, especially the 1984-borns. The famous, the rich, the A-list! Or yet, the forgotten?!
1. Adam Lamberg
Every body, i didn't mistype. It's Adam LAMBERG not LAMBERT okay? I don't know whether this pic is his latest pic. Well, if you don't know who he is, it means he has never been THAT important. He was quite famous back then. He played Gordo in Lizzie McGuire, or was it MacGuire (definitely not Macgyver, sorry, attempted joke!!!) series. I don't know what he's doing now or what he's doing, last thing i know he's still alive. Damn! I'm so mean!!! He's one of the "famous" 1984-borns. And that, makes him stay in my list.
2. Avril Lavigne
Actually, i think this little princess is freakishly annoying!!! I mean, i thought she thinks like, "Hey world, you know, i'm Avril. THE AVRIL!!!" Hehehehe... Even so, i like her music. She really is talented. It's just her behaviour that gets on my nerve. I'm not a hater, no.
3. Fernando Torres
Frankly speaking, i don't know this guy until i saw his pic on billboard, and um, in the ad during the World Cup season. The only Torres i know is Dr. Callie Torres, an ortho surgeon from Grey's Anatomy series. LOL! Why is he here? Simply because he's a successful footballer (gosh! i'm such a gold-digger!!!)
4. Gareth Gates
I wonder where he is now? Somewhere in England, i presume. Hahahaha... This guy is a runner-up of the first Pop Idol. Losing to Will Young rose him to fame in Asia. Seriously, who knows Will Young? (And sorry, who is Gareth Gates again?)
Okay, Gareth, maybe we don't know you, but you had your time in 2003. Your song was on every radios (except on those that play dangdut) and most TVs played your video. Do you still remember the lyrics: It can happen to...anyone of us?
5. Jackson Rathbone
I'm not into Sparkles (Do you know who i mean by this?), ok?! So, i put Jay here because he's 1984-born. And i'm still amazed by his acting in one of the episodes of Criminal Minds, in which he played the MPD serial killer. It took me an hour to realize that he is the same actor who plays Sparkles' brother. Duh!!!!
6. Katharine McPhee
Who's that pretty lady??? Meet Miss McPhee, the runner-up of American Idol season 5. Though i'm not a fan of her music, i think she's the prettiest American Idol contestant! (Eh?! What does the mean woman mean?!)
7. Katy Perry
Ever since her "Hot N Cold", i decided to keep an eye on this girl. I mean, i think it's kinda late to "rise" at her age, especially at that time, Lady Gaga also came to fame. But, she managed to stay in the business, no? Way to go, Perry!!!
8. Kelly Osbourne
She was kinda a troubled child, considering the parents. I used to pay atterntion on the Osbournes when they were aired on MTV Asia. She was kinda psychotic, even to me... But then, look at her now. Looking decent and (almost) aristocratic!!! Whoa!!!
9. Kevin Zegers
Who watched Air Bud??????? Well, this is the kid. Yes, this Canadian actor rose to fame in the late of mid 1990s (meaning?!) from the so-called phenomenal movie Air Bud. Ohhh how i love the golden retriever!!! (HEH?!)
Anyone knows where he is now???
10. Lucas Grabeel
WTF??? I put one of the HSM cast??? Well, he was born in the same year as i was. And um, he's famous, at least for those kids, he is like an idol. Hahaha, that before Justin Bieber epidemic spread... Yes, i don't know anything about this guy. And i don't care. He should be just thankful because i put him in my list. (The ultimate mean remarks!!!)
11. Mark Zuckerberg
This multi-billion businessman is colorblind! Yes, that's why facebook is blue!!! You know where i knew about this? Twitter!!!
12. Prince Harry Windsor
Because Prince William is taken, and is getting bald, and his fiance is so annoying and i'm envious cause i'm not marrying a prince, so Prince Harry is here for me. Duh!!!!
13. Scarlett Johannson
ScarJo is alright. I mean she act quite well. She's not THAT beautiful but she's okay. And yes, she's very curvy... Hohohoho...
14. Shayne Ward
This guy probably made you raise an eyebrow, or two... Well, he's not THAT popular here in Asia, ok, correction, IN Indonesia. Well, as an X Factor winner, this British Guy "came" to my life in the beginning of 2008, when i heard his songs from his SECOND album. See, he's not that popular.
15. Wesley Snipe, oops, Sneijder
Okay, i don't watch football like i used to. Na-ah, i don't know this guy just like i don't know Torres. Well, Both Sneijder and Torres' countries made it to the final World Cup, right? (Try to figure out the connection...)
Okay, that's the wrap. I kindly ask for apologies if i may have sounded mean and sour as always. Thanks for reading... Hehehehe
Hit me back, just to check
Surely yours,
PS: Meet me in Spooky Eyes... ROTFL
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1 - Movie Review a la Amateur
Hiya! Been a long time since my last post in bahasa Indonesia! Now i'm gonna give you all my movie review. Ahem, this contains SPOILER, so if you don't read the book, you have two options, leave this page or continue reading and curse me later. LOL
Okay, here's the thing. I'm gonna write this so-called movie review in some kinda annoying language. Hehehe, i'm gonna use two languages, bahasa Indonesia, as my mother tongue, cause i find it difficult to mean what i mean (duh!) in English if i can't find the closest meaning to it. And um, since i started this post in English, consider that my psych language. Hehehe...
Here goes,
Cerita bermula dari hari Jumat, 18 Nopember 2010, di mana teman saya Monica menunjukkan saya sebuah kertas berisi jadwal pemutaran film Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1 (selanjutnya saya sebut HP#7). Saat itu Monica sedang mencari Ayoe, partner setianya untuk Twilight Saga (maaf, nyamber dan nggak fokus). Saya tahu Monica dan Ayoe akan mengusahakan sekuat tenaga untuk menonton HP#7. So, me with my brilliantly wicked mind, asked her about their plan to watch it. Hehehe, i did take advantage of their madness. Now, you see how smart and mean i was. Hehehehe.. untungnya mereka orang baik yang mencintai saya (kebohongan besar!!!) sehingga saya dimasukkan ke rencana nonton bareng.
To be honest, i'm not a fan of the HP movies. I mean, they suck! Yeah, i get it if you hate me for what i said. Well. it's just that the books are too wonderful compared to the movies. Well, that's just an opinion. I think i'm just a bitter hard-to-please kind of audience. A smart-a** director wannabe who can't accept the fact that making films is not as easy as 1-2-3. But this time, what i mean by this time is THIS HP#7, I LOVED IT. I-EFFING-LOVED-IT!!!
Wonder why??? Here's why
Masih terngiang dalam benak saya mengenai "tragedi" Harry Potter and the Order of Phoniex yang diakibatkan oleh sutradara David Yates dan kru. Saya rasa saat itu saya ingin menggantung Tuan Yates karena telah "mengebiri" film yang mestinya diisi oleh banyak sekali aksi, terutama aksi saat Fred dan George Weasley keluar dari Hogwarts. That scene should have been phenomenal! Instead, it wasn't even close. Like it wasn't even in the neighborhood! Duh!!! Seolah "kejahatan" Tuan Yates belum cukup buruk, film selanjutnya, Harry Potter and the Half-blood Prince yang menurut saya masih tidak memuaskan, lagi-lagi sutradara ini membuat saya kesal dengan adegan yang esensinya tidak penting. Apalagi kalau bukan adegan ciuman antara Harry-Ginny. Kesalnya bukan karena saya penggemar berat Daniel Radcliffe. Adegan itu memang ada di buku, tapi pada saat yang tepat. Nah, "kejahatan" Tuan Yates (yang dulu saya sebut dengan Tuan Yikes, hehehe...) adalah membuat film ini seolah film remaja kacangan yang nggak penting banget dewwhhh!
Okay, back to HP#7, too much chit-chat...
Dengan ekspektasi biasa-biasa saja, saya pergi menonton film ini. Terlebih ketika saya membaca bahwa akan ada adegan mesra antara Harry-Hermione. Nah ini membuat saya kesal. Karena tidak ada kemesraan antara mereka berdua dalam imaji saya mengenai cerita HP. Justru dengan adanya hubungan pertemanan macam Harry-Hermione inilah, saya percaya pria dan wanita bisa berteman murni, tanpa romantika apapun (sumpah, ingin ngakak rasanya membaca kalimat saya tadi!)
Dengan pemikiran penuh curiga, saya menyiapkan diri untuk "mencaci-maki" film yang mungkin jadi film terakhir yang saya tunggu di tahun 2010 ini. But then, i almost couldn't find anything to mock here. Hey, what about the make-out scene i mentioned before?! Well, i thought Yates was trying to make this as a stupid-but-true scene just like what he did before. But he didn't. Thank God, he is not a Yikes to me anymore. Hehehe...
Saya suka dengan cara Tuan Yates menerjemahkan buku ke dalam film. Tentu saja saya yakin bahwa penulis naskahnya yang hebat, membuat film ini menarik tanpa memotong informasi yang perlu diketahui penonton yang bukan pembaca. Beberapa adegan dan dialog lucu terasa pas, tanpa efek lebay dan nggak perlu. Mengenai esensi adegan mesra Harry-Hermione, yang tadinya (karena belum lihat dan hanya membaca di koran internet) membuat saya kesal, justru menjadi kartu truf bagi adegan di mana Ron menghancurkan salah satu horcrux. Saya rasa Yates hanya ingin membangun karakter Ron dan menggunakan momen yang tepat untuk membuat betapa Ron berhasil melakukan sesuatu.
Mungkin ada sedikit yang kurang dari film ini, yakni ketika adegan penguburan Dobby. Yes, people, to refresh your memory, he was killed by Lestrange. The scene was good, um, no, it was great. I cried, see (which means my 3rd cry this month, such a baby i am...) when Dobby said, "It's a good place... to be with friends..."
When Dobby died in Harry's arms, then Luna came and said, "We need to close his eyes." She put her right hand on Dobby's face and closed his eyelids. "There, now he's sleeping." Sumpah, layar bioskop jadi buram. Perasaan saya sama seperti saat membaca bukunya. But, i'm so sorry that they left out 'Here Lies Dobby, A Free Elf' part after Harry and friends buried him. But that was nearly a perfect job for Warner Bros.
The part when Hermione had to erase her parents memories was great. Emma Watson did a great job here. Her expression gave me chills. Also, the expression she put on when Hermione looked at the kiss Ron-Mrs. Cattermole was priceless. Hahah!
I loved the moment when Harry-Ron-Hermione were at Lovegood's. Hermione was reading the Three Brothers story, "...at twilight," and Ron cut, "Midnight. My Mom always says 'Midnight'." Then, she gave him that look and he said, "Twilight is good. (gulp) Twilight is better." Ahahahaha!
I was a bit bothered by the "Zip-me-up" scene by Ginny. Thanks to the comic relief by George Weasley. That better-be-gone scene was "obliviated" from my memory. Er, no, it still lingers hehehe... the charm didn't work, yeah?
Long story short, i love this HP movie. Hopefully the part 2 later will be as great. And um, i want to see this young Gellert Grindelwald. Potrayed by Jamie C. Bower who is also in the Twilight saga. I don't know which one is which for i don't give a damn about Twilight. I want to see how Yates and crew bring the imagination to life.
Well, well done Warner Bros. You successfully made me give you credit this time, though, yes, people, i know my credit doesn't count.
Hit me back just to check,
Surely yours,
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Sebuah Pernyataan Tanpa Pertanyaan
Selama ini saya menulis dalam bahasa Inggris. Kali ini, izinkan saya menulis dalam bahasa Indonesia. Meskipun tidak jelas sebenarnya saya meminta izin pada siapa, tulisan ini saya buat semata-mata karena saya ingin mengungkapkan pendapat pribadi saya. Saya yang bukan siapa-siapa. Saya yang mungkin bodoh di mata beberapa orang. Saya yang sukar dinasehati dan terkadang terlalu idealis. Saya yang memiliki banyak keburukan. Tapi, ini adalah sebuah blog. Setiap orang berhak memberi opini, meski saya yakin opini ini akan bersinggungan dengan prinsip beberapa orang, termasuk Anda yang membaca tulisan sampah saya ini.
Saya, sedikit banyak (tidak konsisten, sedikit atau banyak sebenarnya), telah berubah. Baik dari cara berpikir maupun cara saya bergaul. Kalau Anda adalah penikmat tulisan saya (demi Tuhan, jika Anda memutuskan untuk tidak membaca kelanjutannya, saya sangat maklum), Anda mungkin tahu latar belakang keluarga saya dan gambaran masa kecil saya yang saya jelaskan di post sebelumnya. Jika Anda melewatinya, silahkan klik di sini: http://lou-in-circle.blogspot.com/2010/09/you-wish-you-could-but-you-just-cant.html
Berangkat dari latar belakang saya, saya akan membeberkan pendapat saya. Ini juga merupakan pernyataan saya terhadap dunia (sadis juga...). Saya merasa saya dibesarkan di keluarga yang biasa-biasa saja. Dalam arti kata, bukan keluarga religius. Mama saya tidak pernah sekali pun tertarik ikut shalat Ied. Bukan berarti Mama saya tidak beribadah, tapi memang beliau tidak pernah beribadah shalat Ied. Mama saya memilih shalat di rumah daripada di masjid, karena menurutnya wanita lebih baik shalat di rumah, mengikuti ajaran Nabi. Jadi, saya menyimpulkan bahwa Mama saya adalah seorang hamba yang beribadah sesuai apa yang diyakininya. Almarhum Papa saya tidak bisa mengaji, tapi Papa saya sangat keras dalam urusan shalat. Berani meninggalkan shalat, berarti saya harus bersiap menerima hukuman darinya. Yang saya maksud di sini adalah, kedua orangtua saya mengajari saya sebaik yang mereka tahu. Itu saja. Soal implementasi dan refleksi diri di masyarakat (keren ya bahasa saya!) itu tergantung pada masing-masing individu, dalam hal ini, saya. Jadi, saya merasa jika ada seorang anak yang seumpamanya, nyeleneh atau memberontak dari semua ajaran orangtuanya (yang baik tentunya), tidaklah bijak jika kita "menilai" atau lebih buruk lagi menghakimi dengan: Kenapa sih anak itu, kan orangtuanya udah haji. Itu anak kok nggak ada baik-baiknya kayak bapaknya yang ustad itu. Ibunya sih anggun banget, anaknya kok kayak laki-laki gitu.
Maksud saya begini, rasanya sudah saatnya kita mengubah paradigma kita. Meski contoh yang saya sebutkan di atas masih terjadi di masyarakat, bukan berarti kita harus mengikuti mainstream (ini lebih keren disebut dalam bahasa Inggris, maaf ya bukan mau sok) yang ada. Perlu kekuatan dan keberanian untuk melawan arus dan membuat perbedaan. Nah, kalau dengar kalimat sebelumnya, Anda akan tahu betapa idealisnya saya.
Yang saya tulis di atas sebenarnya hanya pembukaan. Ya Tuhan, kapan tulisan ini selesai????? Tenang, kalau Anda bosan, Anda bisa menyeduh kopi atau teh dulu... Atau kalau Anda sudah kehilangan minat, silahkan tinggalkan blog ini. Tapi, sebenarnya saya berharap Anda menyelesaikan bacaan Anda.
Yang ingin saya sampaikan sebenarnya adalah betapa saya sangat membenci orang-orang yang merasa berhak menghakimi. Sebenarnya, dalam jiwa setiap orang, secara tidak sadar, karena hal ini sangat alamiah, kita memiliki kecenderungan "menilai" sesuatu. Itulah yang disebut sebagai pendapat, opini, tanggapan, you name it. Akan tetapi, beberapa orang dapat menahan diri untuk mengeluarkan pendapatnya setelah mereka "menganalisa" atau mencari tahu "mengapa apa/siapa kenapa". Misalnya "Mengapa Keenan memukul Sinta?" Bukannya Keenan tidak bersikap seperti pria sejati, karena dia memukul Sinta. Maaf, contoh saya sedikit ekstrim.
Dulu, ketika saya lebih muda, saya sangat berapi-api (sekarang juga, sih.. hehehehe). Tapi, dulu, berapi-apinya saya lebih karena ketidakmatangan jiwa saya (sok tau ni ye...). Saat kejadian 9/11 di Amerika Serikat, saya menjabat sebagai seksi jurnalistik OSIS sekolah (oh, betapa "tua"nya saya sekarang *terisak-isak*). Waktu itu, saya dan teman saya, Icha, sama-sama terobsesi dengan fakta-fakta di balik penyerangan tersebut, termasuk beberapa teori konspirasi. Maklum, pada saat itu saya masih 16 tahun dan 9 bulan. Apa yang kau ketahui, wahai anak 16 tahun?! Saya sempat membenci "agama" tertentu. Padahal menurut saya yang sekarang, "agama" tertentu itu bukanlah yang harus kita benci. Individulah yang berperan dalam sebuah pencitraan atau image. Saya baru bisa menerima bahwa kejadian 9/11 adalah sebuah tragedi kemanusiaan setelah ada kejadian bom Bali di tahun 2002. Pada saat itu, saya sadar bahwa kita tidak perlu membuat "penilaian" terhadap sesuatu. Karena sebenarnya, "penilaian" itu tidak penting. Tindakanlah yang lebih penting.
Dulu, sewaktu saya lebih muda dan tidak dewasa, saya lebih "kejam" dalam pergaulan. Kalau saya merasa "tidak cocok", saya akan menjauh begitu saja. Sekarang saya juga seperti itu, tapi, saya akan mencoba "menyesuaikan" frekuensi dulu sebelum menjauh. Pendek kata, sekarang saya lebih humanis, selain fakta bahwa saya memang manis... (Saya beri Anda kesempatan untuk muntah)
Dalam bergaul, jika istilah ini diizinkan, saya termasuk "autis". (Saya tidak menggunakan istilah ini untuk mengejek siapa pun. Karena saya berhadapan dengan beberapa anak berkebutuhan khusus ini). Saya memiliki dunia sendiri, yang terkadang dari luar, saya terlihat sangat cuek, tidak besahabat, tidak memiliki toleransi dan tidak terbuka. Sebenarnya itu adalah cara saya untuk melindungi diri. Saya selalu berkata, "You don't know the half of me." Saya tidak memiliki koleksi sahabat. Bagi saya berteman bukan harus memiliki. Kalau sahabat Anda menyakiti Anda, ada dua pulihan. Sakiti dia, atau maafkan dia. Soal apakah Anda akan melupakan perbuatannya, itu urusan Anda dan memori otak Anda. Dulu, saya dan dua orang teman saya mempunyai masalah dengan seorang teman, sebut saja namanya Putri. Masalah memuncak ketika saya dan dua teman saya "memutuskan" hubungan. Waktu itu belum ada facebook, jadi kami memutuskan untuk menghapus nomor hpnya saja. Dan seiring waktu berlalu, terima kasih pada memori otak yang menghapus kejadian itu dari benak kami bertiga, kami pun lupa bahwa kami pernah bertengkar dengan Putri. Jadi kalau sekarang kami teringat kejadian Putri-gate, kami justru malah tertawa mengingat betapa tidak dewasanya kami. Intinya, saya merasa sahabat atau teman tidak akan selalu ada untuk kita. Saya tahu saya sering sekali berpikir sarkastik. Tapi ini bukan salah satu dari pemikiran sarkastik saya. Ini adalah yang saya sebut dengan logika. Setiap orang akan disibukkan dengan ide dan mimpinya masing-masing, ini akan mengarah ke ego dan kepentingan pribadi. Saya rasa, kebanyakan orang akan mementingkan prioritasnya terlebih dahulu. Itu saja.
Selanjutnya saya akan membahas pemikiran saya yang mungkin lebih ekstrim... hehehehe
Berangkat dari kutipan saya, "You don't know the half of me", saya ingin menegaskan bahwa saya bukan orang yang religius. Saya mungkin lebih berdosa dari seorang pembunuh berantai (maaf, lagi-lagi contoh saya ekstrim). Tapi biarlah itu menjadi urusan saya dengan Tuhan. Hubungan yang lebih intim dan rahasia daripada hubungan antarmanusia. Ini merupakan hubungan yang tidak boleh diganggu gugat oleh siapapun. Dan sujujurnya, saya sangat terganggu dengan "kejadian" di salah satu jejaring sosial. Natal tahun lalu (termasuk Valentine's Day), beberapa orang teman memasang note atau status tentang "haram"nya mengucapkan atau merayakan sesuatu yang tidak ada dalam ajaran islam. Maksud teman-teman tentunya adalah sebagai syiar dan dakwah. Saya tidak bermasalah dengan dakwah. Bahkan saya sangat senang jika ada yang berbagi soal agama. Yang saya sesali adalah caranya. Memang, dalam berdakwah, kita tidak perlu "takut" atau "bersembunyi", tapi bukankah kita juga tidak boleh "menyakiti"? Beberapa teman kristiani saya menulis, "Nggak usah maksa ngucapin kalo takut dosa. Repot amat." Meski beberapa teman muslim masih mengucapkan selamat hari raya bagi mereka, saya rasa saya tidak perlu memborbardir wall dengan "fatwa". Saya rasa tiap orang dewasa bisa bertanggung jawab dengan pilihannya. Sekali lagi, hubungan Tuhan-manusia tidak boleh diganggu gugat.
Masih soal "agama" dan orang yang merasa berhak menghakimi. Saya punya pertanyaan besar, "Kenapa masyarakat kita senang 'menghakimi' wanita berkerudung?" Kalau terus seperti ini, bisa-bisa nanti banyak wanita tidak berkerudung. Lho? Kok begitu? Kenapa? Sekarang begini, kalau ada seorang wanita berkerudung "berpacaran" (peluk-peluk, nyender-nyender, pegangan tangan, sampai yang ke arah mesum), berapa banyak dari Anda yang berkata, "Ih! Nggak malu ya ama kerudung?!" Malu, kok, sama kerudung? Kalau begitu sekalian saja malu sama sepeda, laptop, atau kucing. Atau kalau ada seorang "jilbaber" (yang kerudungannya panjang itu, lho) bercerai dari suaminya, lantas beberapa dari masyarakat berkata, "Nggak nyangka ya, dia melakukan perbuatan yang dibenci Allah." Hei, siapa juga yang mau bercerai. Please, jangan membentuk sebuah ekspektasi bahwa seorang wanita berkerudung itu mesti melakukan hal yang lebih baik daripada wanita tidak berkerudung. Nah, apakah Anda termasuk hakim-wanita-berkerudung?
Saya sendiri memakai kerudung. Tapi maaf, kerudung ini saya pakai untuk saya sendiri. Bukan untuk memenuhi ekspektasi orangtua, tuntutan pekerjaan, atau bahkan untuk Tuhan. Tidak, Tuhan tidak perlu saya memakai kerudung. Dia tidak perlu siapapun. Justru, kita yang oerlu Dia. Saya dijuluki anti-mainstream-liberalist oleh salah seorang teman saya. Alasannya karena saya tidak seperti para wanita berkerudung lainnya. Saya gay-friendly, saya lebih suka musik yang terkadang aneh, saya menghabiskan waktu untuk kesenangan dunia (siapa yang tidak?!), saya menyumpah (meskipun saya menggunakan kata-kata lain, tetap saja maksud saya menyumpah), saya... saya... Saya melakukan hal-hal mendefinisikan "Inilah Saya". Jika itu membuat saya terlalu liberal, maaf. Tapi itulah saya. Saya masih suka berkeliaran tanpa kerudung (sejak memutuskan untuk memakai kerudung), jika saya sedang ingin melakukannya. Saya "nakal", apapun cap orang tentang saya, saya terima saja. Satu hal yang ingin saya sampaikan: Saya sangat benci orang yang berkata, "Sekalian aja lepas. Nggak usah setengah-setengah." Saya benci ucapan itu, terutama kalau berasal dari mulut seorang pria. Hei, pria, kau tidak akan pernah tahu rasanya memakai dan melepas kerudung. Tahukah Anda efek dari ucapan ini? Akan banyak wanita yang mengurungkan niatnya untuk belajar "memakai" kerudung. Dan untuk wanita tidak berkerudung yang berkata, "Gue sih belom make karena belom dapet hidayah", saya ingin menyampaikan, "Woy, yang boneng aje, lu kira hidayah dijatohin, pluk, gitu aje?". Intinya, tidak perlu membela diri, karena wanita berkerudung (yang se-visi dengan saya), tidak menghakimi kalian. Karena saya juga dalam proses belajar, Anda juga bisa belajar "memakai" kerudung.
Saya minta maaf jika tulisan saya menyinggung. Saya hanyalah seorang manusia biasa yang berusaha menempatkan diri dengan nyaman di dunia ini. Karena menurut saya, kenyamanan terhadap diri sendiri sangat penting untuk menikmati hidup. Dengan demikian kita bisa memberi yang terbaik dari kita untuk masyarakat. Bukankah sebaik-baiknya manusia adalah yang berguna bagi orang di sekitarnya?
Salam damai,
Saya sendiri memakai kerudung. Tapi maaf, kerudung ini saya pakai untuk saya sendiri. Bukan untuk memenuhi ekspektasi orangtua, tuntutan pekerjaan, atau bahkan untuk Tuhan. Tidak, Tuhan tidak perlu saya memakai kerudung. Dia tidak perlu siapapun. Justru, kita yang oerlu Dia. Saya dijuluki anti-mainstream-liberalist oleh salah seorang teman saya. Alasannya karena saya tidak seperti para wanita berkerudung lainnya. Saya gay-friendly, saya lebih suka musik yang terkadang aneh, saya menghabiskan waktu untuk kesenangan dunia (siapa yang tidak?!), saya menyumpah (meskipun saya menggunakan kata-kata lain, tetap saja maksud saya menyumpah), saya... saya... Saya melakukan hal-hal mendefinisikan "Inilah Saya". Jika itu membuat saya terlalu liberal, maaf. Tapi itulah saya. Saya masih suka berkeliaran tanpa kerudung (sejak memutuskan untuk memakai kerudung), jika saya sedang ingin melakukannya. Saya "nakal", apapun cap orang tentang saya, saya terima saja. Satu hal yang ingin saya sampaikan: Saya sangat benci orang yang berkata, "Sekalian aja lepas. Nggak usah setengah-setengah." Saya benci ucapan itu, terutama kalau berasal dari mulut seorang pria. Hei, pria, kau tidak akan pernah tahu rasanya memakai dan melepas kerudung. Tahukah Anda efek dari ucapan ini? Akan banyak wanita yang mengurungkan niatnya untuk belajar "memakai" kerudung. Dan untuk wanita tidak berkerudung yang berkata, "Gue sih belom make karena belom dapet hidayah", saya ingin menyampaikan, "Woy, yang boneng aje, lu kira hidayah dijatohin, pluk, gitu aje?". Intinya, tidak perlu membela diri, karena wanita berkerudung (yang se-visi dengan saya), tidak menghakimi kalian. Karena saya juga dalam proses belajar, Anda juga bisa belajar "memakai" kerudung.
Saya minta maaf jika tulisan saya menyinggung. Saya hanyalah seorang manusia biasa yang berusaha menempatkan diri dengan nyaman di dunia ini. Karena menurut saya, kenyamanan terhadap diri sendiri sangat penting untuk menikmati hidup. Dengan demikian kita bisa memberi yang terbaik dari kita untuk masyarakat. Bukankah sebaik-baiknya manusia adalah yang berguna bagi orang di sekitarnya?
Salam damai,
Sunday, September 12, 2010
You Wish You Could, But You Just Can't
I'm here again bloggers...
You wish you could, but you just can't... Is that killing you? Well it IS killing me!!!
What the hell am i talking about???
Okay, have you got any dreams, goals, or obsessions that you really wish you could do, have, or whatever? Well, i have.
Other than the ability to sing well (i can sing alright in karaoke hahahaha, but not well), i really wish i could dance.
Now what you're gonna do is saying, "You can learn to do it. Practice...and practice..." I'm so sorry, but that's not gonna happen because i can't.
The next best piece of advice is, "Well, it's all in your mind. Change the way you think about it. Be positive, have another point of view, blah blah balah..." Sorry, again... that won't work for me. Why am i so cynical? No, i'm not being cynical. I'm just being realistic... Okay, sarcastically realistic... Here's why:
It all goes back to my childhood. I didn't spend my childhood as a girl who spent time taking piano lesson or dancing. But, i didn't spend my time climbing trees or playing with the boys. No. I wasn't the girly type nor was i a tomboy girl. I loved the Me-Time compared to other kids. I didn't mind being alone. In fact, i hated it when people asked me. I guess i didn't like people treating me like a kid (hey, you were a KID for God's sake!) or people nosing on my "business". What an OLD kid i was, eh?
Sometimes, well, often times, my parents pinched me or stepped on my foot to give me signal that i HAD TO answer the questions. Yea, and the stubborn-born-to-be-rebelious girl ignored the signs every now and then. Oh, i was hard to handle... Dear God, should i have a kid of my own, please don't give me the Karma *finger crossed*. Coming from that kind of background, i never put any interests in dancing.
Not until the mid to late 90s, my Middle School time. It was the era of boybands. Yes, people... I listen to boybands, too! My favorite was 911. A British boyband consists of 3 cute (and smallish) lads.
I like them because their dancing is more unique than other boybands. They did break dance, too! And also, i would like to thank them. If it weren't for them, i would never be able to speak English. Oh, it was my nemesis, see. Couldn't stand a period of English at school back in the Middle School.
Then, the era of boybands swifted into the era of...whatever... In the beginning of 2000s, there was this show on MTV: The Wade Robson Project. Wade Robson? Who the hell is that guy??? He is the little kid dancing next to Macaulay Culkin in Michael Jackson's Black or White video. That rings a bell? WADE ROBSON!!!! AAAHHH!!!! MARRY ME!!!!!
Okay, this sexy looking guy is a really great dancer. He's so effing hot!!! Well, i wished i could participate in this show. He is influenced by His Majesty King of Pop Michael Jackson of course, and so are all dancers in the world, i assumed. Watching the show can do nothing about my dancing ability.
Then, in 2003, during my college time and my working time at ELP, a small English institution (thanks to 911, again!), i met Mondang. A coworker-turned-out-a-senior-in-High-School. She loves dancing a great deal. She created a "routine" and i tell you what, it was awesome, and you can only envy us. Now, i sound like a bitchy fricking cheerleader, don't i? There were four of us, Mondang, Poppy, Nur and me, who practiced the routine after class. We used a song from a British (again?!) rising star at that time, Daniel Bedingfield called Gotta Get Thru' This.
Mondang, by my help, created the movements in about two weeks, with changes here and there and of course, to "train" us everytime she got new movements. Hey, how come i "helped" her?! Hahahaha, i lent her some video clips with dancing in them. Some movements were taken from 911's Nothing Stops the Rain video and Steps' After The Love Has Gone video. And yes, Steps is a pop group from Britain...
Long story short, i really loved that time, when i "worked" my a** off to get myself in line with other girlfriends of mine who have dance as their breakfast.
And, as i just finished watching a (WHAT?!) British series, Skins. I met this guy:
He is Mitch Hewer who potrays Maxxie, a gay teenage dancer. The picture above is taken from one of the episodes of Season 2. His first on screen dance was in the first episode of Season 1 when he was tap dancing as Tony, one of his fellas, called him. He talked on the phone while dancing. At that time, i didn't care for him. Because he looked like one of the High School Musical cast whose name escapes from my memory. Yup, guys... I watched HSM. And, nope, i didn't watch the HSM 2 and 3 in case you're wondering...
In episode 1 of Season 2, he was the "opening". He danced with other fellow dancers and WTF!!! Whoa! That's Fabulous!!! I f***ing love him!!! Besides having nice smile and puppy eyes (though i think he's too cute, too boyish, and too young *sob...sob i feel old...*), he's very athletic. Some guys would kill to have that kind of build, i think... And so... that "i-wish-i-could-dance" comes across my mind like an inspiration.
So now, you gotta think that i should just dance, just like Lady Gaga said. Well, what i mean by dance is like the dance to the music, not the monkey-meet-giraffe movements (don't ask!!!) i make everytime i listen to upbeat songs.
And then, what is my problem anyway?
Well, i have a problem with balance. Huh? Come again?! I have bad balance. And that problem can be recognized from my eyes... Now, you wonder... What do you have in mind?
I am near-sighted. And as one, it is imperative that i wear glasses or softlens for that matter. And yes, i do. I wear them. But, the minus of my right eye is higher by five points than that of my left eye. I was LMAO when the optician "diagnosed" me having what he called by "lazy-eye-syndrome". Whoa, that explains why i often tripped (and fell).
During my college years, i had this thing, i tripped so often that my friend Erlina tried to grab my arm everytime i had those "episodes". She would say, "Oh, my dear poor little baby, come walk with Mama..." Nice friend indeed, she is...
Once, there was this little girl. She walked to school with her Mom. Wearing the white and white uniform, she was ALL ready for assembly on Monday morning. Then, as "fate" was written for her (can you sense the cynical here?), she tripped on a rock and fell both knees first on the ground, then both elbows, and as if those weren't enough, she landed on her chin causing not only body injuries, but a big question mark. Yeah, her Mom a.k.a my Mom was wondering what was exactly wrong. Then she came to a conclusion and told me the story of lil' me...
My mom, a weirdly amusing woman, suggests that i didn't learn how to walk or run normally. Unlike regular kids, instead of walking or running, she claimed that "flying" was the closest-to-meaning word to describe what i did. She said i didn't stepped on the ground, but tiptoed and fled which usually resulted in gravity rules (read: i fell). Probably there is something wrong with my brain, hahahaha... Well, that's why i find it difficult to coordinate my body, let alone dance. Pathetic, huh?!
Well, one can only hope...
Thanks for reading this crap...
Hit me back, just to check
Surely yours,
I'm here again bloggers...
You wish you could, but you just can't... Is that killing you? Well it IS killing me!!!
What the hell am i talking about???
Okay, have you got any dreams, goals, or obsessions that you really wish you could do, have, or whatever? Well, i have.
Other than the ability to sing well (i can sing alright in karaoke hahahaha, but not well), i really wish i could dance.
Now what you're gonna do is saying, "You can learn to do it. Practice...and practice..." I'm so sorry, but that's not gonna happen because i can't.
The next best piece of advice is, "Well, it's all in your mind. Change the way you think about it. Be positive, have another point of view, blah blah balah..." Sorry, again... that won't work for me. Why am i so cynical? No, i'm not being cynical. I'm just being realistic... Okay, sarcastically realistic... Here's why:
It all goes back to my childhood. I didn't spend my childhood as a girl who spent time taking piano lesson or dancing. But, i didn't spend my time climbing trees or playing with the boys. No. I wasn't the girly type nor was i a tomboy girl. I loved the Me-Time compared to other kids. I didn't mind being alone. In fact, i hated it when people asked me. I guess i didn't like people treating me like a kid (hey, you were a KID for God's sake!) or people nosing on my "business". What an OLD kid i was, eh?
Sometimes, well, often times, my parents pinched me or stepped on my foot to give me signal that i HAD TO answer the questions. Yea, and the stubborn-born-to-be-rebelious girl ignored the signs every now and then. Oh, i was hard to handle... Dear God, should i have a kid of my own, please don't give me the Karma *finger crossed*. Coming from that kind of background, i never put any interests in dancing.
Not until the mid to late 90s, my Middle School time. It was the era of boybands. Yes, people... I listen to boybands, too! My favorite was 911. A British boyband consists of 3 cute (and smallish) lads.
I like them because their dancing is more unique than other boybands. They did break dance, too! And also, i would like to thank them. If it weren't for them, i would never be able to speak English. Oh, it was my nemesis, see. Couldn't stand a period of English at school back in the Middle School.
Then, the era of boybands swifted into the era of...whatever... In the beginning of 2000s, there was this show on MTV: The Wade Robson Project. Wade Robson? Who the hell is that guy??? He is the little kid dancing next to Macaulay Culkin in Michael Jackson's Black or White video. That rings a bell? WADE ROBSON!!!! AAAHHH!!!! MARRY ME!!!!!
Okay, this sexy looking guy is a really great dancer. He's so effing hot!!! Well, i wished i could participate in this show. He is influenced by His Majesty King of Pop Michael Jackson of course, and so are all dancers in the world, i assumed. Watching the show can do nothing about my dancing ability.
Then, in 2003, during my college time and my working time at ELP, a small English institution (thanks to 911, again!), i met Mondang. A coworker-turned-out-a-senior-in-High-School. She loves dancing a great deal. She created a "routine" and i tell you what, it was awesome, and you can only envy us. Now, i sound like a bitchy fricking cheerleader, don't i? There were four of us, Mondang, Poppy, Nur and me, who practiced the routine after class. We used a song from a British (again?!) rising star at that time, Daniel Bedingfield called Gotta Get Thru' This.
Mondang, by my help, created the movements in about two weeks, with changes here and there and of course, to "train" us everytime she got new movements. Hey, how come i "helped" her?! Hahahaha, i lent her some video clips with dancing in them. Some movements were taken from 911's Nothing Stops the Rain video and Steps' After The Love Has Gone video. And yes, Steps is a pop group from Britain...
Long story short, i really loved that time, when i "worked" my a** off to get myself in line with other girlfriends of mine who have dance as their breakfast.
And, as i just finished watching a (WHAT?!) British series, Skins. I met this guy:
He is Mitch Hewer who potrays Maxxie, a gay teenage dancer. The picture above is taken from one of the episodes of Season 2. His first on screen dance was in the first episode of Season 1 when he was tap dancing as Tony, one of his fellas, called him. He talked on the phone while dancing. At that time, i didn't care for him. Because he looked like one of the High School Musical cast whose name escapes from my memory. Yup, guys... I watched HSM. And, nope, i didn't watch the HSM 2 and 3 in case you're wondering...
In episode 1 of Season 2, he was the "opening". He danced with other fellow dancers and WTF!!! Whoa! That's Fabulous!!! I f***ing love him!!! Besides having nice smile and puppy eyes (though i think he's too cute, too boyish, and too young *sob...sob i feel old...*), he's very athletic. Some guys would kill to have that kind of build, i think... And so... that "i-wish-i-could-dance" comes across my mind like an inspiration.
So now, you gotta think that i should just dance, just like Lady Gaga said. Well, what i mean by dance is like the dance to the music, not the monkey-meet-giraffe movements (don't ask!!!) i make everytime i listen to upbeat songs.
And then, what is my problem anyway?
Well, i have a problem with balance. Huh? Come again?! I have bad balance. And that problem can be recognized from my eyes... Now, you wonder... What do you have in mind?
I am near-sighted. And as one, it is imperative that i wear glasses or softlens for that matter. And yes, i do. I wear them. But, the minus of my right eye is higher by five points than that of my left eye. I was LMAO when the optician "diagnosed" me having what he called by "lazy-eye-syndrome". Whoa, that explains why i often tripped (and fell).
During my college years, i had this thing, i tripped so often that my friend Erlina tried to grab my arm everytime i had those "episodes". She would say, "Oh, my dear poor little baby, come walk with Mama..." Nice friend indeed, she is...
Once, there was this little girl. She walked to school with her Mom. Wearing the white and white uniform, she was ALL ready for assembly on Monday morning. Then, as "fate" was written for her (can you sense the cynical here?), she tripped on a rock and fell both knees first on the ground, then both elbows, and as if those weren't enough, she landed on her chin causing not only body injuries, but a big question mark. Yeah, her Mom a.k.a my Mom was wondering what was exactly wrong. Then she came to a conclusion and told me the story of lil' me...
My mom, a weirdly amusing woman, suggests that i didn't learn how to walk or run normally. Unlike regular kids, instead of walking or running, she claimed that "flying" was the closest-to-meaning word to describe what i did. She said i didn't stepped on the ground, but tiptoed and fled which usually resulted in gravity rules (read: i fell). Probably there is something wrong with my brain, hahahaha... Well, that's why i find it difficult to coordinate my body, let alone dance. Pathetic, huh?!
Well, one can only hope...
Thanks for reading this crap...
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Surely yours,
Saturday, August 21, 2010
Isn't that called "Self-loathing"????
Well, isn't the title interesting??? Hahahahaha...
Okay, focus...focus...
Okay, now that i'm focused, i can start writing this so-called analysis. Hahaha, who am i to say that i "know" anything about human behaviour? But, here goes, i'm gonna "say" what i think i know. If you disagree or think that i'm wrong, go ahead, i'm here just to speak my mind.
And so, some (sweet) days went by. He was kind and full of dreams. And oh, he was religious, too. At least that what i think. I remember him saying "For real??" when i was about to pray. Dang! Nice one, bro! Cause i'm sassy too...
Sometimes, i cruelly "crushed" his dreams too. Because sometimes he spoke about some things that were too, umm, impossible. Ok, i'll rephrase it, some things infeasible. Well, i didn't mean to be so mean to him. Just thought that it would be much nicer to take a look around first then decide where you wanna be... or in short, think before you leap. That's all.
No, no, this doesn't end here...so please keep reading.
Okay, then i got a job in ILP and decided to quit from E**. So i left the place and you can say that i started my new life in 2006. So i only knew Yoga for 6 months. What i mean by "knew" here is we met 6 days a week for those damned months. After my life in ILP, we still met sometimes. Ok, translation = during Lebaran. Hehehehe... Yoga, with my friend Lya (who he kinda "looked up to" too) came by to visit me. Well, that's because i, uh, don't really care about visiting. So, if you want to visit me, go ahead. But i rarely visit my friends... hehehehehe...
Then, when he stopped visiting me, because Lya keeps visiting me, i started to wonder... I asked Lya whether he had changed his number, had finished his studies or whether he was so busy. Lya only explained that he didn't want to come or simply because he had "stuff" to do. Okay, part of my questions was only lip service, and the other part was a real question. Yea, i missed teasing him, too. Hahahaha... Before the "visits", Yoga often asked about how i was doing, my opinions, and so on. Well, guess that because of the "look-up-to-me" thingy. So the story stopped when he stopped visiting me.
Na-ah, the story continues, guys...How come?
Well, another friend of mine, Ara, visited me to ahem, introduce a slimming product which i-would-never-buy-unless-i'm-a-fricking-millionaire-cause-it's-so-damn-expensive. She said that it really works as she is the living proof. Still, i wasn't convinced. She mentioned Yoga. Yoga wasn't that fat, but he was kinda big. I remember him as a "bapak-bapak" despite his age (18, remember). She said that Yoga had a new look. Well, ok, that triggered me to ask about that naive guy again. Ara's reaction was like, you know, stop-asking-about-him-cause-he-didn't even-ask-about-you. Actually, i made that up. Hahahaha... Ara only mentioned him to assure me, that's all. So the story paused there...
It didn't continue. Not until last month, and this month too.. Well, last month Dilla, a friend of mine too, went to Palembang. She wrote that in her facebook status. That reminded me of rusip, a kind of weird food my daddy used to eat. The rusip thing brought me back to the memory of my daddy. So i asked Dilla to bring me some. When she got back to town, she said that i could have it for free. Long story short, i fleed to her house. We talked about the good old days. Because Dilla and i were some of the few first people back then in E**. And so our talk got into Yoga thing again. She said that he had changed a lot.
Me: Is it because he's getting thinner? Becase Ara came to offer that product. Hahahaha
Dilla: No, not only that one, he now has straight hair. (Yoga's hair is kinda wavy and bushy)
Me: Really? Well, that's kinda hard to imagine.
Dilla: He often talks on the phone "abnormally".
Me: Huh??? What do you mean?
Dilla: Well, if you talk on the phone, you talk on the phone. He doesn't really "talk on the phone", you know, like exagerrating (read: lebay!)
Me: Ah, does he talk in Mandarin? (I took Mandarin course back then and Yoga seemed so excited about that, last time i heard, he managed to pick up some Mandarin)
Dilla: Yes, he does. But i think he kids of shows off... (Dilla is a very honest and nice lady. I know her as a very straightforward person who never tells a lie)
From our conversation i concluded that Yoga indeed has changed. Yeah, people change, so get a life... That's none of my business, no?
Last week, Lya called me to arrange bukpusber this week. Well, today is the day. She wished people from the old times could get together. That includes Yoga, eh? But Lya said that she doubted that he would want to join us.
Me: Why?
Lya: You know, he has changed a lot.
Me: Yea, i got that from Mbak Dilla. She told me about the hair. Hahahaha
Lya: Well, you know. He had some injection.
Me: To be thin? I thought he had some products from Ara
Lya: No, to be white
Me: Get out of here!
Lya: He thinks he's Chinese.
Me: What do you mean?
Lya: You know, he thinks he's Chinese, not Indonesian. He even ordered glasses that wouldn't make his eyes bigger.
Uh-oh... now, i'm confused.
Lya: You remember how religious he was. Well, he isn't anymore.
Okay, now i'm confused.....
I told Thesi, my friend in XXX school about Yoga and his mindset of "being" a Chinese. Thesi said that he probably believes in reincarnation. He might believe that he was Chinese in the past. Well, i kinda believe in reincarnation too. I believe that i was a gay male. That's why i can understand some of my gay male friends well. If it's about belief, that is out of the question. Nobody understands unless they believe in the same thing too. I believe that dragons exist. So i think i'm gonna waste my time debating with those who don't believe.
One thing about reincarnation, if that really happens, i just think we have to redo what we did in the past. If you were Chinese in your past life and now you're born Indonesian, does it mean that you have to have self alteration so that you are who you were. Emm, imagine if i have to have a genital surgery, do hormon therapy to change myself into a male. And not only that, i need to find my "love" out there in this unfair world. See, that's the world. It's cruel and never fair. So what i have in mind is, "You live in a world where God has given you permission to." So, since you got the permission to live, just live. By thanking Him for whatever you have now.
I think what happens to Yoga is "self-loathing". He seems like he's unhappy with himself being Yoga. Maybe he is not happy with his hair, his skin, well his Yoga. I feel so sorry for him. I think happiness is very crucial. I wish he can find his happiness. But i pity him for doing so many things that made him not Yoga anymore.
Lya mentioned in her phone call that he might avoid me because he was afraid that i would judge him especially with his new look. Well, i won't judge without listening and analyzing. No, that won't happen. I regret not trying to keep in touch with him. Well, today, we're going to meet. I hope Yoga comes too.
Oooohhh God, this is long, eh? Thanks for reading
HIt me back, just to check
Surely yours
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